New Podcast and Reflections on Promoting Legacy Giving in Ireland

I was asked recently (June 2021) to do a podcast on the legacy market in Ireland. I think the result is a good, and hopefully insightful, overview of the market as is in 2021. You can listen to it here

A few days later I presented to members of The Carmichael Centre on the potential for smaller charities to develop legacy income. It got me thinking…I have actually done a lot to promote legacy giving in Ireland. I was involved from the early days of what was initially known as Legacy Promotion Ireland and now MyLegacy and I am back on its board in recent years again.

In 2010 I wrote a research paper entitled ‘Realising the Power and Potential of Charitable Bequests in Developing Irish Philanthropy‘ . In 2018, I was in part responsible for getting the CFI Legacies for Good report to be undertaken. During 2020 and 2021 I have undertaken presentations for both CII and MyLegacy on various aspects of legacy.

The common theme is growing Ireland’s ambition in this important space. The Legacy Insights report I launched in March 2021 is the first comprehensive overview of legacy income in Ireland and thusfar covers 2015-2019. Over €260m of legacy income has identified/verified within that timeframe. It will become an annually updated report and is available by emailing me.

This recent work, and my enaggement with many fundraisers while doing it, has inspired me to provide a dedicated legacy training module for charities. This is very much a response to the needs in the market place. It encompasses one-to-one or small group training, mentoring and brainstorming and has a goal at the end of the writing up of a dedicated legacy plan for the charity.

In 2021 I am thrilled also to have established a legacy research service with 21 charities involved as research clients. You can see who is involved in the previous link. This will help fill more gaps in our information deficit vis a vis the UK and many other countries. Its exciting times.

So all in all, lots done, BUT legacy is about the long-term. We’ve really only just begun…

2 thoughts on “New Podcast and Reflections on Promoting Legacy Giving in Ireland”

  1. The introductory sessions I attended, given by Niall, were particularly interesting to me, as I am new to NGO fundraising as my background is grant writing. What struck me most was Niall’s advice that a legacy strategy requires a whole-of-organisation approach including the vision and culture of the NGO. I like this respectful and holistic approach which would make a legacy donor feel reassured. Thank you.

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