Corona Virus will Impact on Charity Income, Prospect Research now Might Help?

The corona virus has been declared a pandemic. The Taoiseach today (12/3/2020) announced significant restrictions on public gatherings. Our first thoughts are with those directly affected and their families, but looking broader, this outbreak will have a severe impact on charity income too. Charity fundraising events from cycles to balls are facing cancellation or at best postponement. Contingency planning is happening, but it also highlights the difficulties for charities if over-dependant on event-based fundraising.

I’m a firm believer in the need for Irish not for profits to become better at major gift fundraising. Times like this only serve to reinforce my belief. Surely this is a time to review fundraising plans and to assess how you build longer term resilience. In addition to the obvious first step of developing a legacy strategy, now could be the time to put in place the foundations for a major gift fundraising strategy. Prospect research is part of that first step for some charities, especially those with regular givers and solid mid tier giving levels. If now is the time to consider such a move, Campaign Solutions can help.

More information on research is available on this website here.

Philanthropy Responds to Corona Virus

As a footnote, it is interesting to see that Bill Gates is to Donate $50 Million USD for Coronavirus Treatments through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Funds will be given to 12 big pharmaceutical companies as well as small biotech entities who are actively seeking ways to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus. There will, however, be some conditions set in place to help protect the common population, like making the medicine easily accessible at affordable prices that even the poorest places in the world can get. Source:

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